Apex Legends Season 17 Arsenal (5/23)


A brand-new season with updated maps and a new character are coming May 9th, 2023. Season 17 Arsenal has been rumored to bring back the crowd favorite King's Canyon map that hasn't been in rotation for a few seasons now, along with Olympus and an updated World's Edge, with the most notable update taking place at the popular streamer building in Fragment. Respawn's Twitter page has released photos with a new building in its place and a new museum type interior with posters hanging from the walls showing in game legends and possibly showing whatever records they hold alongside. Weapon progression and even mastery appears to be a new thing as well, offering a new incentive to strive for. Changes to the rank system are also coming, which most players agree are long overdue. and the last rumor we know about is the changes coming to the firing range, possible even moving it to a new location, and one can only imagine what else after the changes last season. 

completely updated firing range with new target features in a new location. firing range now includes building, lots of cover, ziplines, and more realistic areas to fight. It also appears that more than 3 players are allowed in at once (I still do not know if this has been confirmed). Possible full movement of dummies and the ability to fire back. also include areas to practice movement and small designated area specifically for 1v1's, training grounds and agility course

deployable jump towers to be placed wherever. look a little shorter than regular though. the real question is inventory space and how it is affected. will it take the same spot as a mobile respawn beacon and heatshield or will it have a slot of its own?

weapon mastery is just a badge. 

no details about new rank system.

king's canyon back in rotation 

fragment updates include giftshop and hall of legends. with each section highlighting a past season to show all the changes that led up. with the new designed fragment, the deep lava pit that if you fell into would send you flying back up instead of burning to death has been raised to walking level and the mechanic that tosses players into the air has been removed, now it is only hot and will slowly tick away health. Harvester will implement the same thing and the deep hole in the center will be removed. the popular streamer building as it's called with the two ziplines on either end has been moved to a new home in Lava City to try and balance out the landing areas.

3 loot vaults now instead of 2 with the newest one being placed near skyhook in an effort to more fairly distribute the loot.

Yes! the dummies shoot back. full combat mode allows the dummies to attack you all over the entire firing range. 

each weapon has 100 levels everyone starts at level 1. Kills, knocks, and damage cause rank up guaranteed legendary weapon skin at level 100.

updates to ping system like do not revive for if any enemy is waiting nearby, enemy healing, etc.

 the lava levels have risen in fragment and newly constructed buildings have been finished giving the entire area a fresh new look.

honestly everything looks super cool, and I can't wait to play. apex has successfully silenced me too from complaining about everything wrong in the past. hopefully this is only the beginning and things continue to get better from here.

  • new legend/abilities/lore
  • Firing Range
  • Fragment updates
  • weapon progression 
  • Evac Tower (new survival item)

I forgot about this.